He will be in charge of structuring the overall project and secure the Go to Market
1. Handover technico-commercial.
2. Eligibility tool
3. Customer path and process
4. Buying and ordering process
5. Installation/meeting booking
6. Go to Market (B2C et B2B).
7. Assistance, billing, payment collection, cooling off, termination
8. After Sales Services, claims & Customer Care
9. Qualification & Migration.
10. Training
But also
- Sales objectives
- Reporting
- Sales tactics
- Door to door sales
03- Service client / Customer Care06- PMO02- Vente & Distribution / Sales & Distribution07- AMOA SI Vente / IT Sales business leader10- Test de convivialité d'utilisation / FUT...08- Administrations des ventes / Sales Administration01- Modules de formation / Training conception02- Documentation commerciale / Sales and distribution support02- Reporting03- Outils de support des ventes / Sales support tools03- Objectifs et plan de rémunération vendeurs / Objectives and pay plans05- Processus parcours client / Process – Customer path05- Processus et qualité / Quality & Process09- Recette / User acceptance test01- Anglais / English
A consulting company is looking for a PMO / Go to Market for the launch of the fiber FTTH project for an operator in Middle East
The expert must have a PMO expertise for commercial launch.
He must be fluent in business English
Non renseigné
assistance technique
Opérateur fixe ; Opérateur mobile ; Opérateur internet